TOP 5 Posts in V3_ZoNe's


Things U Can Do 2 Help the Environment

Our environment is in trouble. People and the industries r polluting d air, rivers, lakes, n seas. U may think that theres nothing u can do 2 help. But that’s not true. In fact, there r many things u can do 2 help d environment. Here a few.

The burning of gasoline is 1 of the biggest sources of CO. in d atmosphere. Some people believe that CO is causing global warming, coz They think CO thins the Ozone layer in d atmosphere which protects us from the un rays. So try 2 walk, bicycle, or use a public transportation. N if u drive a car, drive at a steadly speed- Thiz is more efficient than speeding up n slowing down.

The biggest of home energy is 4 heating n cooling homes. So turn the heat down, especially at night. Replace regular light bulbs (lamp) which use less energy.

Don’t use disposable products. In a single year, people in the USA use enugh disposable products, use products made from recycled materials. Also recycle whenever possible. Recycling 1 aluminium can saves enough energy 2 run a TV 4 3 hours.

Showers use s lot of water. In 1 week a typical American family uses as much water as a person drinks in 3 years! Imagine that.
So, use the water sufficiently……….

2 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Wah wah,

Hebat juga.


Anonymous said...


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